“Great things happen when credit unions serving firefighters & first responders come together. Our face-to-face and online interaction is the platform where collaboration begins, and GREAT ideas are generated”
Thursday, October 3 • 9:00am - 9:45am
🗣️ 10 Must Do Initiative to Drive Your 2025 Strategy

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This fast-paced, impactful session will highlight trends, identify challenges, and inspire a strategy to help you drive success.
  1. We must optimize the in-person experience – branch, contact center, back office. Members expect personalized relevance, a conversation with an expert, and speedy, insightful transactions.
  2. We must drive a deep digital transformation – from digital-first to digital integration to digital only. Members’ and team members’ experiences need to be enhanced. We must support “channel hopping.”
  3. We must simplify “money movement” – how much, to whom, by when. By providing safe, simple, and value-based transactions, we will have an opportunity to grow our share of wallets beyond payments.
  4. We must secure data, transactions, and infrastructure by creating an omnichannel shield utilizing MFA techniques leveraging biometrics, AI, and traditional authentication in a real-time environment.
  5. We must leverage member insight by combining data with analytics, including predictive analytics that will help us anticipate ideal “next best conversations.” To serve well, we must observe and know.
  6. We must personalize financial solutions for the members we serve. Our members’ needs vary by stage of life and financial wellness; we must understand what each member needs to serve them well.
  7. We must complement our people’s expertise with artificial intelligence. From authentication to service to decisioning – driving cognitive collaboration will enhance our ability to serve.
  8. We must develop our people into empathetic, technically savvy financial counselors who can serve our members by understanding their needs and personalizing financial solutions toward financial goals.
  9. We must strive towards a secure open technology infrastructure that will allow us to be agile and innovative in the deployment of technology as we serve our members’ and team members’ needs.
  10. We must drive continuous improvement through effective journey mapping. We need to enhance how our members can attain financial solutions across the different channels that we offer.
This fast-paced, impactful session will highlight trends, identify challenges, and inspire a strategy to help you drive success.

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Sundeep Kapur

Founder, Digital Credence
My focus is that of an educator. I teach digital marketing effectiveness. Enjoyed teaching and interacting with over 2500 brands.

Thursday October 3, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am CDT
Hyatt Regency Riverwalk
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